
Germany Supports IOM Emergency Response to Assist Chadian Returnees from Cameroon

N’Djamena – The Federal Republic of Germany has allocated 222,000 Euros to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to provide emergency humanitarian assistance to Chadian migrants who returned from Cameroon due to intercommunity tensions.

Through this contribution and in coordination with the Chadian Government and humanitarian actors, 300 Chadian returnees’ households will receive essential household products including feminine hygiene items, tarpaulins, and ropes for the construction of temporary shelters. Sanitation facilities including latrines, water points and hand-washing stations will also be installed in the returnee reception site to increase access to water and limit the spread of diseases such as the COVID-19.

Since August 2021, intercommunity clashes in the Far North of Cameroon have forced tens of thousands of people to seek refuge in neighbouring Chad. At least 745 Chadians were identified following a rapid screening by IOM and the National Commission for the Reception and Reintegration of Refugees (in French, CNARR). These Chadians were living in Cameroon but had to flee their villages due to the clashes.

“We highly appreciate our effective partnership with Germany to support the most vulnerable populations in Chad,” said Anne Schaefer, Chief of Mission of IOM in Chad.

The Federal Republic of Germany is one of the key partners in IOM’s response to humanitarian emergencies in Chad. Since 2019, the partnership between IOM and Germany has provided multifaceted humanitarian assistance to more than 29,000 people in the provinces of Lac, Tandjilé and Moyen-Chari.

“We hope that this funding from the German Government will contribute to strengthening IOM’s efforts to support returnees from Cameroon as well as host communities,” said H.E. Dr. Gordon Kricke, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Chad.


For more information, please contact:

• Francois-Xavier Ada, Communications Officer, IOM Chad. Email:

• Higgine Ahmed Souleyman, Counsellor, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Chad: