22 Nov 2021

Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Migration

  • Date
    06 Dec 2021, 14:00pm
  • Location
  • Organizer

    IOM German and GMDAC

Forced marriage, violence in the name of “honour”, female genital mutilation (FGM) and human trafficking – around the world, women and girls face the risk of human rights violations. According to a 2018 World Health Organization (WHO) estimate, up to 852 million women have experienced physical or sexual violence: one in three women worldwide.

For female migrants and women refugees, the risk of becoming victims of violence is particularly high. On the one hand, experiences of violence or the threat of violence are frequent drivers of migration. On the other hand, the migration process exposes women and girls to an increased risk of becoming victims (again) of sexualized or other gender-based violence. Trauma, traditional gender roles and gender-specific discrimination can further complicate (re)integration.

As part of the United Nations (UN) 16 days of activism against gender-based violence “Orange the World” from 25 November to 10 December 2021, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Germany invites you to take a look at gender-based violence in the migration process.

In an online event on 6 December at 14.00 (CET), we will highlight the particular nexus of gender-based violence and migration.


14:00 Opening remarks

14:05 The importance of tackling gender-based violence against migrant women and girls (English) - Inkeri von Hase (UN Women)

14:30 How to identify potential survivors of gender-based violence (English) - Carlotta Santarossa (IOM Italy)

14:55 Gender-based violence and counselling centres in Germany (German) - Elisabeth Gernhardt (Terre des Femmes)

15:20 Closing remarks and farewell